Automation Spotlight: Case Packing Machines

This week, we begin a 10-part series highlighting some of the most popular retail automation equipment. So without further ado, here’s our featured automation for part one…  

Case Packing Machines

Function: A case packing machine (or case packer) arranges products in a specified configuration and then places them into the packaging container with precision.

Applications: Used widely in industries like consumer goods, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals, case packers increase efficiency and consistency in packaging.

Types: There are an impressive variety of case packing machines, such as wrap-around case packers, drop packers, and side-load case packers, each suited for different packaging requirements.

Advantages: Case packers bring efficiency, precision, and productivity to the table, making them the star performers in any perpetually short-staffed setup. It’s like having a team of tireless, error-free packing elves!

Adaptability: Whether your needs are simple or complex, case packing machines can flex and adapt to suit your process. Curious to see them in action? Check out this cool video from our partners at FANUC America and Combi…

The engineers at Maryland-based Arnold Automation will provide a FREE consultation with your team to assess your needs, then identify and integrate the best automation solutions for your business. 

Call Arnold Automation at 855-276-6537 or submit a quick form and we’ll get right back to you.

Laura Cadden
Arnold Packaging & Arnold Automation
Protecting Your Product and Your Profit is Our Business