Case Studies / Damage Reduction
Damage Reduction: Blade Server Damage Rate Reduced to Under 1 Percent
A Maryland-based $1B global provider of broadband satellite services and products experienced continued damage to their blade servers during typical handling, shipping and delivery. Shock to the package caused internal components to break free and render the product nonfunctioning.
Previously these blade servers were cushioned by a polyethylene foam product, which can be too rigid and allow shock to be transmitted to the unit. As an alternative, we redesigned the packaging with a custom Korrvu insert, known for its superior performance capabilities. We added a flexible, low-slip film that holds the product securely in place, allowing it to pass ISTA-1A standards.
With this redesign, we achieved the customer’s goal of reducing damage to less than 1 percent, while also bringing down the cost of the materials required per package. Additionally, the packaging stores flat and takes up less space in the customer’s warehouse before it is deployed.
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